

Chess is a game of strategy and tactics, where you have to plan your moves ahead and outsmart your opponent. One of the most important aspects of chess is the opening, which is the first few moves of the game. The opening can determine the course of the game, as it sets up the position and the plans for both sides. There are many chess openings, each with its own advantages and disadvantages, and each suited for different styles and preferences. Some openings are more aggressive, some are more defensive, some are more complex, some are more simple. As a beginner, you may feel overwhelmed by the vast amount of openings and variations, and wonder which ones to learn and play. The good news is that you don’t need to memorize every opening and every move to play well. You just need to learn some basic principles and guidelines that apply to most openings, such as: Control the center. The center of the board (the four squares e4, e5, d4, and d5) is the most important area of the board, as i...

How to Be a Genius: A Practical Guide

How to Be a Genius: A Practical Guide Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a genius? Do you admire the likes of Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, and Leonardo da Vinci for their extraordinary achievements and contributions to humanity? Do you wish you could unlock your full potential and unleash your creativity? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this guide is for you. In this guide, we will explore the three main characteristics of a genius: high IQ, high creativity, and exceptional work ethic. We will also provide you with some practical tips and tools on how to develop and enhance these traits in yourself. What is a Genius? A genius is someone who has an exceptional level of intelligence, creativity, and productivity in one or more domains of human endeavor. A genius is able to solve complex problems, generate original ideas, and produce high-quality work that has a significant impact on society. There is no definitive or objective way to measure genius, but some ...

‘India Prime 100 Authors Award’ for AK ARAVIND

Grandmaster (Dr.) AK ARAVIND, Chief Consultant  Occupational Therapist, UNICA MULTI THERAPY CENTRE Villupuram, has been conferred with the ‘Top 100 Authors with India Prime Authors Award 2021’ for his significant contribution and achievements in innovative research. He received this award from the FOXCLUES India which is one of the leading Research & Marketing organizations of India. Foxclues successfully hosted the ‘India Prime 100 Authors Award’ and honoured the best authors with prestigious accolades. The event was judged by higher officials of the Education Affairs Secretariat.  The India Prime Authors Award has been institutionalized to encourage and honour individuals for their exceptional contribution to society in their own literary way.

Business statistics

 Use the following set of indicators to raise your own awareness of the mistakes you may be making. & No plan – haphazard activities & Too busy doing business to consider how to develop business & Jumping from one failed idea to another without stopping to think & Your marketing plan on a ‘post it’ note or in your head & Untargeted attempts to generate sales & Not really knowing what works and what doesn’t to make informed decisions & Trying to do too much too quickly and making mistakes & Wasting money, time and effort repeating what doesn’t work & Poor decisions about what to invest in – believing the sales person & Letting fear paralyse the taking of positive action & Mixed messages with no coherent theme & Over complicating marketing activities and messages & Working very hard but not getting results that match the effort & Making excuses – I haven’t got time to market my business & Thinking that marketing is complicat...

ஞாபக சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும் சிறந்த உணவுகள்

ஞாபக சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கும் சிறந்த உணவுகள் இன்றைய காலத்தில் நவீன தொழில்நுட்பங்கள் நிறைய வந்துள்ளன. அத்தகைய தொழில்நுட்பங்களை கையாள்வதற்கு பெரியோர்களுக்கு தெரிகிறதோ இல்லையோ சிறிய குழந்தைகளுக்கு நிறைய தெரியும். இவை அனைத்திற்கு அறிவுத்திறன் தான் காரணம். தற்போதுள்ள குழந்தைகள் அனைவரும் மிகுந்த புத்திக்கூர்மையுடன் இருக்கின்றனர். அவர்களிடம் எந்த ஒரு விஷயத்தை சொன்னாலும், அதை அவர்கள் மறக்காமல் ஞாபகத்துடன் வைத்திருப்பார்கள். ஏனெனில் அவர்களுக்கு கொடுக்கும் ஒவ்வொரு உணவையும் பெற்றோர்கள் பார்த்து ஆரோக்கியமானதாக கொடுக்கின்றனர். மேலும் குழந்தைகளுக்கு எந்த ஒரு மனஅழுத்தமும் இல்லை. ஆனால் பெரியோர்களுக்கு வேலைப்பளுவின் காரணமாக மனதில் அழுத்தம் அதிகரித்து, அதனால் மூளை சரியாக எதையும் ஞாபத்தில் வைத்துக் கொள்ள முடியாத நிலை ஏற்படுகிறது. எந்த ஒரு முக்கியமான வேலையை செய்ய நினைத்தாலும், அதனை உடனே மறந்துவிடுவர். இவை அனைத்திற்கும் சரியான உணவுகளை சாப்பிடாததும் ஒரு காரணம். எனவே ஞாபக சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கவும், மூளையை சுறுசுறுப்புடனும் வைத்துக் கொள்ள உதவும் உணவுகளை சரியாக சாப்பிட்டு வந்தால், ஞாபக சக்தியை அதிகரிக்கலாம். மீன் ...

