Business statistics
Use the following set of indicators to raise your own awareness of the mistakes you may be making.
& No plan – haphazard activities
& Too busy doing business to consider how to develop business
& Jumping from one failed idea to another without stopping to think
& Your marketing plan on a ‘post it’ note or in your head
& Untargeted attempts to generate sales
& Not really knowing what works and what doesn’t to make informed decisions
& Trying to do too much too quickly and making mistakes
& Wasting money, time and effort repeating what doesn’t work
& Poor decisions about what to invest in – believing the sales person
& Letting fear paralyse the taking of positive action
& Mixed messages with no coherent theme
& Over complicating marketing activities and messages
& Working very hard but not getting results that match the effort
& Making excuses – I haven’t got time to market my business
& Thinking that marketing is complicated – and avoiding doing it
& Relying on only one or two methods of generating business
& Suffering from feast and famine revenue cycles
& Keeping poor records of important prospects and customers
& Not really being able to explain why someone should buy from you
& Hoping and praying that business will come to you – but not taking action